Thursday 30 August 2012

Concept of Vitamin D3 Injection

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Plenus Pharmaceuticals is built on its meaning of completeness in pharmaceutical field through our quality healthcare service that leads to healthy life everywhere. It is complete healthcare in every aspect where there is no compromise with quality of products, ensuring full satisfaction to concerned entities.

Vitamin D3 Injection receptor is found in significant concentrations in the T lymphocyte and macrophage populations. Its highest concentration is in the immature immune cells of the thymus and the mature CD-8 T lymphocytes. The significant role of Vitamin D3 Injection compounds as selective immunosuppressant is illustrated by their ability to either prevent or markedly suppress animal models of autoimmune disease. Results show that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 can either prevent or markedly suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type I diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. The action of the Vitamin D3 Injection hormone requires that the animals be maintained on a normal or high calcium diet. There are two types of Vitamin D. Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2) is found in a few foods like fatty fish. In some countries, fruit juices, milk or cereals are often fortified with this vitamin. Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is what is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It is difficult to get enough Vitamin D through food sources.

Vitamin D3 Injection is collected through the skin's exposure to sunlight or from eating animal products. It regulates activity of other cells in the body, helps the immune system, maintains strong bones and develops the nervous system. A deficiency of Vitamin D3 Injection has been attributed to a wide range of ailments such as hypertension, heart disease, chronic pain and depression. Vitamin D3 Injection is very important for calcium absorption. It also helps boost immunity by fortifying the white blood cells, which defend against bacteria. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. A blood test can be done to check vitamin D3 levels. 15 to 50 ng/ml is the normal range. Less than 15 is too low.


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Plenus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
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Friday 24 August 2012

Various Views of Vitamin D3 Injection

Welcome To Plenus Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd
Plenus Pharmaceuticals is built on its meaning of completeness in pharmaceutical field through our quality healthcare service that leads to healthy life everywhere. It is complete healthcare in every aspect where there is no compromise with quality of products, ensuring full satisfaction to concerned entities.

A single small injection of Vitamin D3 Injection will last for about six months. It is useful for people who do not like taking medicines by mouth, or who are likely to forget to take their tablets. Always check with your doctor that you understand the instructions - with high doses of Vitamin D3 Injection it is important to take the medicine correctly. The advantage of the higher-dose treatment is that the deficiency improves quickly - important in growing children. After vitamin D deficiency has been treated, the body's stores of Vitamin D3 Injection have been replenished. The dose needed for maintenance may be lower than that needed to treat the deficiency.
-All pregnant and breast-feeding women.
-Breast-fed babies.
-Young children up to the age of five years.
-All older people aged 65 and over.
-People whose skin is not exposed to much sun.
-People who have darker skin.

A doctor may also advise routine Vitamin D3 Injection supplements for people with certain gut, kidney or liver diseases, and people prescribed certain medicines. Various groups of people are prone to develop vitamin D deficiency. The following groups of people are advised to take Vitamin D3 Injection supplements routinely. These need to be taken every day for about 12 months in order that the body can catch up on the missing Vitamin D3 Injection. This is a rather slow method of replacing vitamin D, but is suitable if the deficiency is mild, or for prevention.

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Plenus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
HARIDWAR. (U.K.) 249407
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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Reviews of Vitamin D3 Injection

Welcome To Plenus Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd 
Plenus Pharmaceuticals is built on its meaning of completeness in pharmaceutical field through our quality healthcare service that leads to healthy life everywhere. It is complete healthcare in every aspect where there is no compromise with quality of products, ensuring full satisfaction to concerned entities.

Vitamin D3 Injection is important for good health, growth and strong bones. A lack of vitamin D is very common. Vitamin D is mostly made in the skin by exposure to sunlight. Most foods contain very little vitamin D naturally, though some are fortified with added vitamin D. A mild lack of vitamin D may not cause symptoms but can cause general aches and pains. A more severe lack can cause serious problems such as rickets and osteomalacia, described below. Treatment is with vitamin D supplements. Some people are more at risk of Vitamin D3 Injection deficiency, and so are recommended to take vitamin D supplements routinely. These include all pregnant women, breast-fed babies, children under 5, and people aged 65 and over. People, who do not get much exposure to the sun, people with black or Asian skin types, and people with certain gut, liver or kidney diseases.

Vitamin D3 Injection is increasingly being linked to other diseases and illnesses. In recent years there have been associations with conditions such as cancer, heart disease, infectious disorders, autoimmune disease and diabetes. This does not mean that all people with vitamin D deficiency will get these problems. Nor does it mean that if you have one of these illnesses, a Vitamin D3 Injection deficiency is the cause. In these cases, vitamin D is thought to be just one factor.


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Plenus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
HARIDWAR. (U.K.) 249407
Mobile: 09737475726

Monday 16 July 2012

Benifits of Vitamin D3 Injection

Welcome To Plenus Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd
Benifits of Vitamin D3 Injection
 Plenus Pharmaceuticals is built on its meaning of completeness in pharmaceutical field through our quality healthcare service that leads to healthy life everywhere. It is complete healthcare in every aspect where there is no compromise with quality of products, ensuring full satisfaction to concerned entities.

Vitamin D3 Injection is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in many important body functions. It is best known for working with calcium in your body to help build and maintain strong bones. Vitamin D is also involved in regulating the immune system and cells, where it may help prevent cancer. Vitamin D3 Injection protects against rickets and osteomalacia (softening of the bones in adults). Seniors who live in northern areas and people who do not get direct sunlight for at least 45 minutes per week should make sure they get enough vitamin D through fortified milk and dairy products. Or they can take a vitamin D supplement or a multivitamin with vitamin D.

Vitamin D3 is the healthy kind your body makes when exposed to sunshine.  The toxic kind, D2, is made from ergosterol,a fungal steroid. Vitamin D is collected through the skin's exposure to sunlight or from eating animal products. It regulates activity of other cells in the body, helps the immune system, maintains strong bones and develops the nervous system. Some Benefits of Vitamin D3 Injection
-Optimize calcium metabolism
-Optimize phosphorus metabolism
-Prevent type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, heart attack, congestive heart failure, and stroke
-Prevent muscle weakness
-Prevent osteoporosis
-Regulate insulin activity and blood sugar balance
-Regulate immune system responses
-Regulate muscle composition and muscle function

Without enough Vitamin D3 Injection, there is more inflammation and less ability to fight infection. The vitamin D receptor is key to fighting off invading bacteria such as Salmonella by keeping inflammatory molecule NF-Kappa B from activating other inflammatory molecules. The active form of Vitamin D3 Injection, 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 has been shown to inhibit the development of autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease.


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Plenus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
HARIDWAR. (U.K.) 249407
Mobile: 09737475726

Saturday 23 June 2012

Effects of Vitamin D3 Injection

Welcome To Plenus Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd
Plenus Pharmaceuticals is built on its meaning of completeness in pharmaceutical field through our quality healthcare service that leads to healthy life everywhere. It is complete healthcare in every aspect where there is no compromise with quality of products, ensuring full satisfaction to concerned entities.

Vitamin D3 Injection on the activity of thyroid par follicular cells (C cells) and calcium metabolism were examined in rats of non-(NP), middle (MP) and late pregnancy (LP). At 3 days after injection, the average area of a C cell was significantly wider (P<0.01) in Vitamin D3 Injection groups than that in their control groups in NP, MP, and LP. The plasma ca concentration in the VD3 groups decreased significantly (P<0.05) in comparison with that in their control groups in NP and LP, and tended to decrease in MP.

Vitamin D3 Injection is a vitamin. It can be found in small amounts in a few foods, including fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, sardines and tuna. It is added to dairy products, juices, and cereals that are then said to be “fortified with vitamin D.” But most vitamin D – 80% to 90% of what the body gets – is obtained through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be made in the laboratory as medicine. Vitamin D3 Injection is used for preventing and treating rickets, a disease that is caused by not having enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is also used for treating weak bones (osteoporosis), bone pain , bone loss in people with a condition called hyperparathyroidism, and an inherited disease  in which the bones are especially brittle and easily broken.

Vitamin D3 Injection deficiency can cause muscle aches, weakness, and bone pain in people of all ages. Muscle spasms, which are caused by a low calcium level, may be the first sign of rickets in infants. Early symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, followed by excessive thirst, weakness, nervousness, and high blood pressure. Because the calcium level is high, calcium may be deposited throughout the body, particularly in the kidneys, blood vessels, lungs, and heart. The kidneys may be permanently damaged and malfunction, resulting in kidney failure. Vitamin D3 Injections excess is usually diagnosed when blood tests detect a high calcium level in a person who takes high doses of vitamin D. The diagnosis is confirmed by measuring the level of vitamin D in the blood.


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Plenus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
HARIDWAR. (U.K.) 249407
Mobile: 09737475726